In 1994 the Reggae Business Association was started to create a proactive Reggae industry networking association and evolved into a company that specializes in promotions, publicity and marketing for the Reggae genre.
Publisher, Kaati states, “My background is in magazine publishing, so I produced festival programs for several years and then ultimately, the Reggae Festival Guide magazine with the idea that the “program” should come out before the festival to give the Sponsors, artists and the event itself, more exposure—so why not put all the festivals in one “program.”
What started out as a 16-page booklet in Northern California has grown in to the world’s longest running and largest Reggae magazine. Years ago the corresponding website and E-Guide were added. And then in recent years, the Digital Edition of the magazine plus our iPhone app called Reggae Guide were added completing our media products.
Now almost 20 years later, The Reggae Festival Guide remains supported through advertising and sponsorship. Current magazine, e-Guide, website and iPhone app. advertisers include festivals, record labels, Reggae artists/bands, commercial websites, travel agencies and Caribbean condo rentals, airlines, clothing lines, industry events, other publications, shops, DJs, wholesalers, health foods, hemp industry products, accessories, music industry services, industry awards, recording studios, jewelry, band tours, services, body oils and incense, instruments and drums, booking agents, and more!
- Annual
- Free to consumer
- Since 1994
The world’s oldest and largest reggae publication: The Reggae Festival Guide magazine is the voice of reggae and literally drives the industry. Take advantage of this once-a-year marketing opportunity. Massive free circulation in U.S. and Canada; the rest of the world can order it through the mail for $7/$12 overseas, or read it online in its Digital Format, page-by-page.
100,000 copies are distributed FREE during the festival season starting in May of each year. It can be picked up at Rasta boutiques, hemp stores, hippie shops, record outlets, cafes, clubs and, of course, at the festivals.
The Guide is jam-packed (approx. 80 -100 pages) with feature stories, art and photography by reggae’s top aficionados. The first third of the magazine is the festival section immediately followed by standard magazine ad/editorial split.
Because of our large circulation and low rates, you can’t afford NOT to advertise your festival, band, project, website, product or service. 100,000+ potential customers, Reggae fans and industry folk alike, will keep The Guide with them throughout the year, thus seeing your ad again and again. Your ad will stay before the Reggae community for months to come, generating ongoing business.
Our advertisers keep coming back each year, often with larger ads! Why? It’s easy; it’s affordable, and it works!
- Annual
- Since 2008
- Free to consumer
Customers around the globe can read the ENTIRE magazine ONLINE by simply clicking through page-by-page, or go directly to the page number you wish using the Table of Contents as your guide. Fans can even click through to advertiser’s website*
You can email a page or the whole magazine to a friend on the other part of the earth with a simple click. Or you can print out your favorite article as a keepsake. Lots of fun bells and whistles make this Digital magazine a welcome addition to our media family.
Our digital edition is heavily marketed around the globe by our PR Department through press releases, news flashes, calendar listings, banner ad exchange program, outreach to reggae DJs and websites for maximum exposure, plus viewers can find the link on our homepage at
*Advertisers will benefit from this expanded market and can augment their advertising by purchasing a Digital Magazine Hyperlink (Full page ads – $75, Half page – $50, 1/3 & 1/8 page – $25) so online readers can click through to your website!
- Daily
- Since 1996
- #1 top-ranking reggae festival website for almost 20 years (type in
- Reggae Festival(s) on Google or any top search engine and see who is #1!)
- Our web stats average 30,000 unique visitors per month.
- Commercial site with lots of information for fans but also by agents, promoters, vendors and bands too
- Festival calendar, Gold Pages Directory, archived articles, jukebox for mp3s, more
- Your ad on our site will drive traffic to your site
- Daily updates invite constant repeat visitors
- Weekly
- Since 1994
- Free to consumer
- Weekly electronic newsletter delivered to reader’s inbox eachThursday morning
- 40,000+ opt-in subscribers and growing
- Popular and unique
- Immediate and effective
- CD releases, mp3s, industry news, videos, interviews, recipes, band tours, inspirational pieces, radio charts, Reggae trivia and, of course, upcoming Reggae festivals
- Reaches members of the Reggae community around the world
- Colorful graphics
- Easy-to-read format
- Daily
- Since 2009
- Free to fans
- Application for iPhone called REGGAE GUIDE This FREE application is available to download in iTunes or find the link on our home page at
- What is on the app for you to enjoy?
- Reggae Festivals worldwide, with daily updates
- Jukebox with dozens of new releases
- Reggae news, event and festival press releases, band tours, industry updates and trends, scuttlebutt, more!
- Everything REGGAE in the palm of your hand!
- The format is easy-to-read, entertaining, and informative.